sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012

I thee wed

I've just finished...drained, swept!
750 ml of cherry compote
he he.. he... one can't get drunk from that
can they ?! then again,
I've been in severe pain for the past years, so..

I was having some trouble with a toe nail earlier tonight
...my dad helps my mom with that
ever since I can remember
with polishing her shoes too
your embrace is the only pain killer
that works on me
your voice,
my personal brand of drugs

...she took care of him after his surgery
she walked the way to the hospital back and forth while
fighting her own excruciating bone problems
I'm a control freak, but
having your baby seems safe

remember that land on the hills
you wanted to buy and build
our home on
I can not stop looking at the clouds
imagining some sort of ray that
could take my thoughts to you
I do not know when to give up so
maybe I am not an honorable person
I love you and I know you
...not knowing which one's bigger
come back home with me
be happy for the first time in
our lives

miercuri, 11 aprilie 2012


your frozen milk
thickens my veins these days
your voice does the same
small broken islands of each
caress my blood,
brush it with love and
call it home from the playground
for supper
My blood rejoices and
too heavy now
brakes into pieces the doll house chair
seated on the floor
I accept my plate and the glass
your table and your chairs
grow taller and taller
my blood smiles
walks its path slower
to be able to grasp as much as possible of
the details of your sight
barely flows anymore
only ticking then
it stops
as I desperately desire to stand still
...maybe this will help!...

duminică, 8 aprilie 2012

The powerful who mate

The last lion left
was walking the face of the earth
with a trashed shoulder,
stumbling into lots of wrecked fur
it drags along, sure,
terrorized by huge hunger and thirst visions,
we know.
nevertheless it doesn't long for siblings,
savanna big catches or crystal clear rivers
its dreams are all about birds and seeds

It wakes up with plump partridges
between his eyelids
unfolded peacocks crowd him
along his path through cities
both the sun and clouds send millions of egrets
these days and
every time he approaches
eaves or a tree
looking for shade or shelter
these all turn into
pouring mountains of grains
oh!so many colours!
look!! see?!

miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012

Phoenix interview

I miss myself
the one hanging every day
by a spider thread
to draw signs
carve them
I am so close to going insane
Alzheimer is now as easy as a mass flu
...to hug that highly contagious man
leaning unconscious over the dam over there
so inviting
close at hand as a jar
of whatever

Loosing me forever?
I can easily see myself
continuously gazing at a lost moment in time
talking to you out loud, then
throwing things
quarreling about
"how could you leave like that..."
for some long years
and then dead

But it's ok
I moved to Argos, Greece and
I lately have been using this tone that
sounds deadly alluring and
colder and colder
and colder